Below are a few more photos highlighting my progress on the kilt P-51 conversion. At this point however I don’t think my kilt looks like a P-51 but more like a tank. I suppose that should have been expected since the kilt is drab green a P-51 was usually unpainted and silver colored. I was attracted to the checkered pattern on the nose cone and it was my intention to add checkers to the bottom edge of my kilt. After painting and weathering the kilt for almost six hours I’m not sure I still want to do that.
It’s currently midnight and while listening to classic rock I’m thinking that maybe I was emulating the wrong WWII vehicle. I think I should have been looking at a M4 Sherman tank. This of course makes more sense since my character is grounded and not a pilot. I’m not worried though, the kilt looks fantastic regardless of what I was emulating.
I look forward to putting it all together and for possibly the first time being truly fully Dieselpunk.